Application Information

We accept applications for the residency program only through ERAS.  You must work through your medical school dean’s office for processing on ERAS, even if you are not a recent graduate.  If you are a foreign medical school graduate, please refer to the ECFMG website.

The following items should be transmitted through ERAS:

  • A complete ERAS application
  • USMLE results for both Step 1 and Step 2
  • A minimum of three letters of recommendation.  (We do not specifically require a Chair's letter.)
  • Medical school transcript
  • Dean’s letter (MSPE)
  • Personal Statement

Most orthopaedic surgery programs, including ours, will likely participate in Preference Signaling, which is now part of the main ERAS application.

In a typical year, we review hundreds of completed applications and select approximately 60 applicants for interviews.  We typically rank all of the students we interview.  We also rank, but do not formally interview, all students who do rotations, which include the visiting students as well as the GW students.  The rotation takes the place of a formal interview.

We do not expect that students who do an in-person visiting sub-I rotation with us send our program a Preference Signal token. This differs from the recommendations of CORD, and may differ at other programs that you may rotate with.

We will be participating in the CORD Universal Interview Offer Date of 18 November 2024, and our initial round of interview invitations will be sent at that time.

Programs will have access to ERAS applications on 25 September 2024, and you should consider that a deadline for having your application materials complete and available to us.

Please direct inquiries to our Program Director at smoghtaderi [at] (smoghtaderi[at]mfa[dot]gwu[dot]edu)